Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Naomi's Birthday and Insulation

We celebrated Naomi's birthday on Saturday.  We woke her up with our traditional balloons and singing.

Naomi unwrapped and opened her gifts before getting out of bed!

Elanor does what she calls "ultimate wrapping."  It sure adds to the suspense of the gift.

Naomi loves her gifts and has had fun with her play dough toys.

We went to the restaurant of Naomi's choosing: Olive Garden.  We stopped for a quick shopping trip that was not so quick....  And we ended the day with a castle cake!

We are STILL working on our house.  It's been more than FOUR months!  I think everything should be DONE by now.  But reality is not so.  And I get the feeling we will always have ongoing projects.

We have had our thermostat at 57 degrees.  We are never really warm and comfortable.  It's been jackets and sweatshirts all around.

We have been planning to put in insulation but there was a lot that needed to be done before that could happen.  Eric had an extensive list, but I don't remember all of it.

Rewire some of the lights to be on separate switches,
add outdoor outlets,
clean up,
install the air foil thingys that keep the insulation off of the sofit.
Complete the air intake on the main floor.

Put up a ceiling in the utility room (because it went straight up into the attic).


And then...... it was INSULATION DAY, also Naomi's birthday.  We started bright an early! 
We had a well oiled machine with everyone helping.

78 bags

Birthday girl got to play a little.

The tube got clogged, TWICE.  Not fun!

We ran out of bags......

We resumed on Monday.....
18 more bags.  Things were going smoothly.  Then Amelia ran out and yelled "DAD FELL THROUGH"  I was terrified. I turned off the machine, tore off my respirator and gloves as fast as I could, and ran into the house.  I expected to find him on the floor, broken.  Thankfully, I only found a huge hole in the ceiling with a very upset husband still up in the attic.  He managed to catch himself and was ok. 
The mess was everywhere: scriptures, my open purse, cups of water, Eric's computer.  Not good.

The mess was promptly cleaned up.  The table - spic and span, steamed and everything.

Duct tape really does fix everything.  Right?

No time to fix the hole.  Eric had to get back to work and I had to return the blower machine and the trailer.

I have the best ministering sister.  She and her husband offered their truck when we needed to remove large amounts of debris.  They also brought us wood and left their trailer for us to use.  I feel so blessed!  Thank you!

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